Notice of Establishment of KPI Solutions, Inc. New Company “Mobsmart USA Inc.”
In order to accelerate global development of product service with neural matching technology centered on SSP business, we have established a new company “Mobsmart USA Inc.” in the United States following Singapore office.
In order to accelerate the further globalization of our products and services, uniquely renowned for “neural matching technologies “for SSP line, we, KPI Solutions Inc. are pleased to announce that we have established our new company “Mobsmart USA Inc.” in the United States, after our Singapore base, Mobsmart Pte.
■ Outline of the new company
Company name: Mobsmart USA Inc.
Web: http: //www.mobsmart.net/
Business description: Web marketing business, data analysis · Research related to artificial intelligence
Establishment: April 20, 2017
Location: United States of America
Representative Director: Tetsuro Ishida
■Outline of KPI Solutions Inc.
Company name: KPI Solutions Inc.
Business description:
Research and development / provision of marketing solution services based on AD technology and behavioral targeting technology, research and development / provision of artificial intelligence applied technology
Establishment: August 2006
Head office: ACN Ginza building, Ginza 8-15-2, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061
Capital Amout: 147,270,000yen
Main Shareholders:
Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. (IGPI)
SMBC Venture Capital Inc.
Nissay Capital Inc.
Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Inc.
Sansei Capital Inc.
Recruit Strategic Partners Inc.
Representative Director Tetsuro Ishida
We earnestly hope that all you will kindly extend your generous patronage to us, KPI Solutions Inc., and our new company, Mobsmart USA Inc.
Contact information
KPI Solutions Inc.
E-Mail: info@kpis.jp
Web: https://kpis.jp/en/contact
TEL: +81-3-5565-7125 (representative) FAX: +81-3-5565-7127