You don’t have to give up when the effectiveness of web advertising does not increase and shows only similar results to any other DSP. ADmeme is a next-generation type meme DSP that understands social interests and identifies the optimal posting destinations to suit the intention of the advertisers.
Also, view-through enables the collection of valuable big data indispensable to market research and it can be effectively utilized as a major weapon in branding strategy. AD graphs in DMP also link seamlessly and a freely operating next-generation ad delivery platform that can also handle member attributes has been achieved.
In 1976 the biologist Richard Dawkins proposed his concepts in his book “The Selfish Gene.” He created the word “meme” by combining the Greek word “mimeme” with the English “memory” and adapted it further to have a similar pronunciation to the word “gene”.
A meme is a cultural unit that is transmitted from one brain to another
A meme is cultural information that is copied from one human-being to another
KPI Solutions applies the concept of the meme to web advertising.
AD + meme = AD meme
It enables the re-targeting of iOS terminals that had been missed until now.
Through artificial intelligence technology it is possible for the advertisements to reach the optimal media and users and the results can contribute to branding.
It solves branding and performance by tracking.
Tracking technology without using cookies
Clustering technology by optimization of artificial intelligence
for performance users
for branding Users